Thursday, June 3, 2010

Our first day in British Columbia

We crossed the Canadian Border at 10:30am. It was not as difficult as we thought it could have been. The border agent looked at our passports, asked some generic questions (where are you going, how long are you staying, what do you do for work, etc.) then we were on our way. I was surprised that the opening we had to drive through was such a tight fit. I was holding my breath! We were finally on our way! The weather was on the verge of stormy but held for an hour or so before it started raining and then once it did start it didn't last very long. It didn't matter what the weather was because the scenery was so pretty. On our drive we saw several waterfalls but most we could not stop to get pictures of. I am sure I did see a Bald Eagle next to a pond but it was far enough away and Chip didn't see it so we are not counting that as a sighting. There was another almost sighting of possibly a fox but I didn't see it and Chip didn't see it well enough so we are not counting that either. The majority of our drive today was alongside the Fraser River. I kept expecting to see salmon jumping through the white water but never did. We did stop at a place called Hell's Gate. There you could ride a Airtram 500ft down and across the river to where there was a Museum, Cafe, Gift Shop and walking bridge that you were able to walk out on over the raging river. It is amazing to think that salmon can actually swim upstream in that swift water. It was worth the $19 each for the Airtram. We chose to stay in a Provincial Park. That is Canada's State Parks. They are a lot smaller than the state parks we are used to but then we learned today that everything is smaller than we expect. The park, Gold Pan Provincial Park is right on the Fraser River just to the south of Spences Bridge, in fact all the sites backed up to the water. We were lucky that a couple men were in one of the last sites we could fit in, but were not spending the night. They were just having a picnic. So when they left we pulled in (literally). It may be a little tricky to get out but for now we are enjoying the view of the river, the railway with 3 tunnels and plenty of trains. I hope they don't bother us tonight when we are sleeping. Because we are getting further and further north the days are getting longer and longer. It is now 8:45pm and it is still light outside. The sun has set but the sky is bright. This area is considered the desert of BC and it is warmer outside than it has been for a while. Probably since we were in Indio in April. It was a perfect day to start our trip through uncharted territory!


  1. Wow! I am green with envy. Thanks for doing this blog. Leslee & I just wish we were with you so the blog really makes it almost there.


  2. Sounds beautiful!! I am so jealous! I can't wait to see pictures :). Love and miss you guys!
