Monday, June 7, 2010

June 3, 2010 First Bear Sighting!

We got a late start this morning because we went down to the River Trail and did a walk/jog. I felt pretty good for the 1st 20 minutes then I went to the dogs. It was after 11 before we were driving through Quesnel on our way to..... here! Because of the last experience we had with the Provincial Park we decided to stop on the road into the park and walk in to check it out. This park is so nice and wide open so there was no problem getting in. We picked a site right on the lake with an open view of the water. There are several sites on the water but most of them have somewhat of a limited lake view. The site we took is a double site but the park is so empty we are hoping it will not matter. As soon as we were settled in we took our camera's and binoculars and off we went to hopefully see something! Since we have been in Canada we have seen 1 fox. We have not seen any bears, deer, moose or eagles. I am sure we will see a lot of those when we get to Alaska but we thought we would see them here in Canada also. On our walk we didn't see anything but could hear birds. We actually caught glimpses of them as they flit from tree to tree but they never sat still long enough for us to get a good look at them. Those little birds are like that, very elusive! We went for a drive after dinner to see if the "evening" held any more hope of seeing some wild life. We came upon another Provincial Park so we turned in to check it out and low and behold about 200 yards into the park a black bear ran across the road in front of our car. We were both so excited. I had the camera sitting on my lap so it wasn't very hard to get it and take a picture. As I would find out later it was blurry! I am sure because I was so excited and could not get the darn thing to focus. It didn't take long for the bear to be in the trees and out of sight. That was ok at least we got to see a bear, finally!!! As we continued along the route we were taking, to check out this park, a lady came up to our car to let us know there was a Mama bear and her cubs in the park. We told her we had seen the cub but didn't see the Mama. We headed back to our camp so excited to finally have seen SOMETHING and it was a bear! I can remember going to Yellowstone with Josh and Skye and all I wanted to see was a bear, and we never did. Well, I think we did see one but it was a dot on the horizon. When we got back we went out to the shore of the lake to get our first BC sunset. This is the first sunset we have actually see in weeks. We kind of saw one in Bellingham, across the campground, over the trees and just a reflection in the clouds, but I am not sure you could call that a sunset. This one was spectacular.

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