Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 2 - Trans-Canada Highway 1 & BC Highway 97 North

Well, the trains didn't keep us awake. That was great!
When we went to bed last night at 10pm it was still a light outside, like the twilight of evening, so when I woke up at 3am and it was SO dark that I could not see my hand in front of my face, in my sleepy state I thought I was blind. That was scary!!!! (but funny now that I think about it) I reached over and pushed the button on the clock and was relieved to see the time light up. :-D
Just as we thought, the getting out of our little piece of BC paradise was harder than it was getting in. Chip backed out of the site perfectly. The problem came when we got to the end of the road where we had to turn around that is when it got tricky. Chip made an initial try but was a little short and was going to hit the boulders that were in the middle of the loop. So he backed up to where he started and this time pulled forward as far as possible, then cut the wheel. He had to make one small adjustment but we were on our way without any scratches or dents. WHEW!!! That is the one thing we will have to be more careful to check when we get to the next Provincial Park. We actually did check that but Chip thought it would be fine and as it turned out it was!
The next little "big" town listed in the Milepost (the reference book for driving to Alaska) was Spences Bridge. The Milepost mentions that Bighorn Sheep frequent the area. So, as we drove through we kept our eyes open but never did see any sheep. Darn! This part of the drive is not a pretty as the drive yesterday. But just like with all "deserts" it has its own beauty. Unfortunately the bark beetle has taken their toll here also and there is evidence everywhere you look. From a distance the dead or dying trees have a red hue which mixed in the green healthy trees is pretty but as you get close you can see the devastation. We made one stop today at Cariboo Wood Shop. According to the write up in the Milepost this is a business not to be missed. We did stop and there were lots of "touristy trinkets" but very little woodworks. If we have learned anything over the last 36 hrs it is that the Milepost is an awesome reference book but the writer also has to sell these books and pay for the printing. We have found some things in it have been embellished. Most of the stops we have made have been quite a bit smaller or less dramatic than what we read about in the Milepost! It wasn't until after we stopped at the Cariboo Wood Shop that I noticed in tiny little print under the section for the stop that it says "advertisement". I will now pay more attention to those little notes. We decided to stay at Roberts Roost RV Park because a couple at the Bellingham RV Park happy hour recommended it. It is a nice park. On our way into town to walk along the river trail we did get to see a fox. The Fox was approaching a Canadian Goose, but the goose turned and went right after the it. The fox eventually just turned and ran away. We did get a couple pictures but we were too far away to really see it. We continued towards the river trail for our after dinner stroll. On our way there we took a slight little detour. There are fire hydrants around town that have been painted to look like different characters that have had some significance to the area. I am not sure what the significance is or who they were but they were cute.Im sure if we had gone to the visitors center in town we would have found out. As we walked across the pedestrian bridge it started to sprinkle. The sky was so dark and the clouds looked more like billows of smoke rather than clouds. After 20 minutes of walkig we left to go back to the motorhome and walk around the campground because of the impending rain but by the time we got there it was really pouring so we didn't get to go back out. Throughout the evening there was thunder, lightning, wind and pouring down rain! All that was missing was a fireplace.

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