Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A perfect day!

In the last 6 days we have driven 1116 miles. We have seen Black Bears, a Grizzly Bear, Moose, Eagles, Bison, Wild Horses, a Deer, Coyote, a Red Fox. And that was all before we left British Columbia and started our trek through the Yukon Territory. AND to think once we get to Alaska it should be even better! Since we have been in the Yukon the only thing we have seen is an Osprey. I have to admit I am very surprised since everything I have read says the Yukon has more Moose than people and a lot of Caribou. We will be in the Yukon another couple days so I am holding out hope that we see some kind of wildlife.
If you were to look at a map of British Columbia and the Yukon.. We started this leg of our journey in Fort Nelson, British Columbia and are currently in the capitol of the Yukon Territory, White Horse. Population 33,000. By far the largest city we have seen since leaving Washington on the 1st.
Of the last 6 days, Monday was absolutely the highlight. The drive took us through the Northern Rockies'. With the snow capped mountains of the Rockies", the swiftly flowing rivers (some crystal clear, some not so much) and the multi colored forest trees we were in awe. That was until we reached Muncho Lake. OH MY GOSH........ This lake was so pretty it took our breath away. Depending on how we looked, it was either green (reflecting the tree's colors) or blue (reflecting the sky). At the shore, the water was so clear you could count the rocks on the bottom. At one of the turnouts we could see a snow capped mountain against blue sky that was a perfect reflection in the water. It was like looking at a picture you didn't know if it were upside down or right side up. Like Lake Powell early in the morning or down a canyon that has not been explored yet. Makes me smile just thinking about it. We spent about an hour driving along the shoreline, stopping to take pictures and take in the beauty. I don't know if it is because the sky here is cleaner than in the states but the blue is bluer. The contrast between the white billowy clouds and the sky is so remarkable. I catch myself just staring at it! Our stop for the night was a Laird River Hotsprings. Yes, there is a natural hot spring there. We barely got into our campsite and were on our way to go soak. The walk to the spring was on a boardwalk about .3 of a mile long that was built over a marsh. I understand that at times there are Moose out there. Not this time, but no matter we were there for the hot water. AND it was H O T...... There were 3 pools. The Beta pool was 3 meters deep (a little over 9 ft) and had a muddy bottom with no way to get out of the water except on log and the stairs used to get in. We didn't go in that pool so I don't know how hot it was. The Alpha pool was only 4 ft. deep with a rocky bottom and had 2 benches in the center so you could sit and soak in the relaxing warmth of the water. The last pool was a wading pool for kids. It was warm but not hot at all and about 3 ft. deep. Something for every member of the family! We went in the Alpha pool and loved it! At the end of the pool where the water comes right out of the ground it was the hottest. There was a cairn (pile of rocks) that we were told if you were able to stand the heat of the water long enough to place a rock on the pile you would have good luck. Of course we had to do it! That water was so HOT...... We did kind of cheat though, a lady that did it before us gave us a hint to swirl the water in front of us while moving toward the end and it helps make it feel cooler. It helped but it was still very hot. With the beauty of Muncho Lake and the soothing hot water of the springs, that day was incredible!

1 comment:

  1. Just love reading about your days, makes me feel like I am a flea in your pocket! Glad things are going so good and you are enjoying it.
