Monday, April 29, 2013


Tomorrow will mark the first day of work for 2013. We have a very busy summer ahead of us and I am not sure how often I will be able to write but I am going to try. We hear that Oregon is beautiful and we are looking forward to seeing it for ourselves. We have seen some of Oregon but the coast is supposed to be beautiful and we will get to see it ALL……. We are looking forward to seeing it.

For the past few days we have been in Winnemucca, Nevada. This is an interesting little big town. There is a huge mining operation based out of here. It is a gold mine literally! With gold at such a high price I am sure someone is making money hand over fist. In fact across the street from the RV Park we are in, there is a building project where the mining company is creating a village of homes for the workers. The company is Newmont Mining Company. I had never heard of them before stopping here but I guess they are huge. There are parking lots around town that are full of cars every day. It doesn’t appear unemployment is a problem around here.

Last Saturday we heard about a balloon fiesta in town. We always like watching the balloons fly so we headed to the sports complex to take in the festivities. As soon as we arrived we realized this was not an ordinary “fiesta”. There were only 4 balloons total and the announcer sounded like someone out of high school. When the first balloon took off he announced the name of the balloon, the pilot and then stammered….. “Um I don’t remember the sponsor”. HaHaHa In the next 20 minutes all 4 of the balloons were in the air and we were headed back to the motorhome. This sure isn’t Albuquerque!

Each night after dinner when we walk it is always a nice experience. We usually see something that is interesting, beautiful or heartwarming. Tonight for me it was the later! As we walked down the street we passed several little league fields full of kids playing ball. The sight and sound of little league brings back such good memories of when Josh used to play. I remember when the season started it always turned cold! It didn’t matter if the weather had been beautiful the weeks before when practice started it was cold. It is not cold here, that is not what made me think of that but it is just what always comes to mind. The memory of when the kids were young always brings such “heartwarming” thoughts.

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