Sunday, May 29, 2011


Our time in Ohio was AWESOME, as always. WE stayed very busy between driving back and forth from our campground to Skye's house, running Colin to school,taking the kids to tumbling class, going to lunch (Skye's and My, favorite thing to do), telling stories and playing bad guys with Colin. Colin has such an imagination! The first thing Colin wants to do when we get in the car is tell stories. They can't just be any story they have to be about super hero's. If you try to tell a story that doesn't involve a super hero Colin will stop you and say "Noooooo, about a super hero". I can hear his sweet little voice as I type this. ~sigh~ Your super hero has to fly, jump tall buildings, save a princess or fight bad guys, OH and it has to start with "Once upon a time". It is so much fun to watch his expressions and see him listen so intently. And when he tells HIS stories they are great! He gets all the super hero elements in, flying, jumping, saving, it's amazing. AND of course Rylee has to tell her stories too. Colin doesn't like them because Rylee's stories involve "Once upon a time,(pause, pause, pause) then....... THE END!! So cute!!!

The kids came out and spent the night with us in the motor home one night. We had so much fun. We played at the play ground, threw rocks in the river and started on a hay ride. Rylee didn't like that! The tractor that was pulling the hay wagon was very loud and we were right behind it. So as soon as we stopped to pick up some other riders Rylee and I got off. Chip and Colin stayed on and had a blast.

On another occasion Skye brought the kids out to the campground and we had a "cook out", that is what they call a Bar-B-Que in the mid-west. We had so much fun. We skipped rocks, played baseball and ate hot dogs.

With Jason's schedule of working 7pm to 7am we didn't get to see him very much. But we did and the times we did were great. Skye is very blessed to have such a devoted husband. Jason is not afraid of work that's for sure. He has really put in his time and it has paid off. He was starting his "dream" job in the ER just before we left. That is what he has wanted since staring nursing school. His next stop will be a Physicians assistant or Nurse Practitioner. We are very proud of him!

I could go on and on but I think I will add some pictures and be done. The pictures are so much more fun anyway.

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