Thursday, April 28, 2011

Good Bye Florida - Hello Alabama

While we were in Alabama we stopped and had dinner at Monnette and Paul's house (my cousin's). My Aunt Ree moved to Alabama last year from Calif. where she had lived at "Grandmother's house", since her husband passed, many, many, many years ago.. Ree moved to Alabama to live with Monnette and her family after realizing it was time, she is close to 88, and needed some companionship and assistance that living alone with her younger sister, Nellie (my Dad's twin) could not provide. Plus it was time to fix up "Grandmothers house" and sell it before it was to far gone! Monnette and her brother Rick, have been like the children Ree never had. The lived in the same house with Monnette and Ricks' Mom, my Aunt Lorene, all their lives. "Grandmother's house" at 295 Farley St, Mt. View, CA has been sold. It now belongs to a Asian family that can start their own traditions. ~sigh~ I miss going to Grandmothers house, or is it the age I miss? Probably BOTH! After some 50+ years my "Grandmother's house" has been sold! How sad that these things must change. BUT......... "THE ONLY THING CERTAIN IN LIFE IS CHANGE"
We had a great time visiting with our Alabama family. Even if their dog, Milly kept barking at me! hahaha Getting to know Monnette's son, Scott and his family was great. Scott and his brother Jeff were a lot younger than me. When we were kids we were not around each other very much or at least I don't remember being. I was in my own little world when they lived in Ca and never really got to know them. It is nice to get to know them now! It is so awesome to be able to be around family that you rarely see but still feel so comfortable being around! I love my family!!

L to R - Lisa,Aunt Ree,Paul,Monnette,Courtney,Scott


When we left Hoover, AL our next stop like always when we get to Alabama was in Red Bay. Stopping in Red Bay seems to be a staple in our stops since buying our Phaeton in '08. But, you know, we like it there. We have gotten to know a lot of the tech's and ALWAYS meet new owners! This time was not exception. Our time in the bays is always fun. We get to know the techs we have and go around talking to the tech's we have had in the past. One in particular Roger. We spent weeks in his bay when we went in or our 1 yr, fix everything you can think of, visit. We both enjoy seeing him every time we go. We met Buz and Judy from Ft. Worth, TX. They own a newer Allegro Bus. Unfortunately they are having so many issues with it they are considering selling it. We really enjoyed our visits with them and their cats. They have 4. I hope we can keep in touch with them and possibly see them again in Red Bay or on the road. This scenario repeats itself every time we are there... How could anyone not like going there... It's like a reunion every time we go!

From Alabama we headed to Columbus, Ohio! NOW that will take a post all it's own sooooooo Until next time! May the sun always shine on your face!

Just a preview of our time in O H I O........(Chip wasn't mad, he just missed the "cheeeeeese" cue!

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