Saturday, September 25, 2010

Life after Alaska

Since our last Alaskan Port we have been through British Columbia, Alberta, Montana, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and are now in Illinois. By far the most beautiful places since leaving Alaska were Jasper National Park and Banff National Park. While in Jasper National Park we saw several Elk, most were females but a few were majestic looking males with large racks. I was impressed by the Columbia Glacier. It is deeper than the Eiffel Tower is tall. THAT is almost unimaginable. When we arrived at the Columbia Glacier it was snowing very lightly but by the time we left (45 min. later) in was sunny.

Jasper National Park - Elk

Columbia Glacier

When we left Jasper National Park for Banff National park it took us over 7 hours to go 150 miles because we kept stopping. Of all the stops we made one of our favorite's was at a place called "Mistaya Canyon". The canyon was formed by the water rushing through a narrow rock crevice and eroding the walls. Over the years the water has cut deeper and wider into the rock causing what we know as a slot canyon. We are very familiar with slot canyons having spent so much time in So. Utah. The BIG difference between here and there is you could not, nor would you want to be down in THAT canyon.

Mistaya Canyon - 1

We stopped at Lake Louise in Banff National Park. If you have never been to Lake Louise you just can't imagine how turquoise blue the water is. If I remember correctly the color is caused by glacial sediment that is suspended in the water catching the sunlight. We hiked up to a viewing platform to get a view and pictures of the lake from a higher elevation. Because the trail is vertical there were not very many people there so it was very quiet and so tranquil. We decided to drive up to Moraine Lake since it was on our way back to the motorhome. I'm really glad we did. This little lake was just as pretty as Lake Louise but on a smaller scale. The best part was as we left we were able to see a Grizzly Bear. It was kind of sad to see it had a radio transmitter in one ear and a tag in the other but it was still "wild". And it looked so healthy!

Lake Louise

Moraine Lake (that is the true color of the water)

Banff National Park - Grizzly

Once we left Banff National Park we both seem to be overcome by an urgency to get back to the lower 48. It was like we were going home after a long vacation. On our way through Montana we were able to catch up with our friends, Roger, Sharolyn and Kelly. They were headed north and we were headed south so we met at a park in Harlowton, Montana. It was so good to spend time with them. It was like seeing family. We did go to Mt. Rushmore, the Crazy Horse Memorial and the Badlands while we were in South Dakota. That was has been the extent of our sightseeing.
Mt. Rushmore

Artist's rendition of finished carving

Crazy Horse Monument

We have been looking for the fall colors and for the most part they have eluded us. While we were in Lanesboro, Minnesota we did see some really pretty trees but only one here or there, not the hillsides we had been hoping for.

Fall Colors

We still have some opportunities between here in Illinois and Columbus, Ohio, where we will spend 3 weeks visiting our Daughter, Skye, Son-in-law, Jason and grand babies, Colin and Rylee. NOW that is what I have been looking forward to since we crossed into Montana from Alberta.

It is hard to believe but it has been almost 30 days since we left Alaska. We are back in the swing of our normal days and missing the adventures of Alaska, but are looking forward to new adventures in the lower 48!

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