Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Haines, Alaska

This majestic eagle was just sitting in this tree off to the side of the road when we drove by. It sat there the entire time we were taking pictures. Not that it would have been bad if it had taken flight because we might have gotten a full body shot. But this is perfect!!!
This should have been the first picture in the line but I haven't gotten that down yet... :-D We arrived in Alaska on the 13th. It took us about 2 weeks to get through British Columbia and the Yukon and that was pretty much stopping every night at a different spot. We did star in a couple places 2 nights.

This picture was taken just before we crossed the border from the Yukon to the US. I took it because if you blow it up (double click on it) you can hopefully see the exposed area is green. I thought the contrast was pretty!

This picture was taken at the summit of the Haines Highway. I was wondering if the snow in the middle of the valley (close to the top) was hiding a glacier. Maybe, maybe not but can't you just imagine being the first to walk/ski/snowboard on that virgin snow. WOW.......
We have had an amazing time in Haines these past 2 1/2 days watching all the Eagles. This morning we actually saw 7 of them flying in circles the way you see the buzzards do in the US. It was awe inspiring. Once in a great while we see one in the US someplace but NEVER do you see a group like that.
This is a sleepy little town where everyone knows everyone. There are quite a few young people here and it is reminiscent of the hippie days. They dress like the 60's and as you drive down the road towards the State Park 10 miles outside of town you can see old buses that are now being used as homes. (I bet that is not comfortable in the dead of winter, brr) We found the locals watering hole. Literally, water! There are 2 pipes coming out of the mountain with water running from them and that is where the locals get their drinking water. Yummy, could the water be any purer? Last night after we filled up one of our jugs and were driving back towards town and picked up a young girl (25 ish) that was hitchhiking. She reminded me of the girls you see in the Woodstock pictures. She had her hair in pigtails under a stocking hat, wore a down vest over a long sleeved thermal type top, with a hippie style skirt over a type of sweatpants. She said she had been walking about 4 miles when we picked her up. She was born in Haines and moved to the bay area for a while to go to college in Oakland or SF I am not sure which but she lived in Oakland. Can you imagine going from Haines, AK to Oakland, Ca. WHAT a culture shock!!
The town is only about 8 blocks square and if you don't get what you want in town by 6 you don't get it until the next day. By 7 this little town is down for the night. We really like it here and would like to come back some day and spend more time!
Today is a moving day and we are going to be without cell or wifi so until next time.......... I hope everyone reading this has enjoyed our adventures so far. I am hoping that they continue to get even better... Take Care, God Bless you all. Love always, Chip and Karen


  1. We are throughly enjoying the posting of your trip and the pictures. They are awesome! Eagerly waiting for what is around the next corner!
    Be safe, our Love, Mom

  2. So glad you enjoy Haines as much as we do. It is one of our favorite spots! Elwyn & Judy
