Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer may finally be here!

The weather here in Minnesota is so sporadic. One day it rains with thunder & lightening, the next day it's 80 with 95% humidity, the next day it's sunny and cool... OMGoodness I wish it would make up it's mind! At least we have not had any tornado scares, yet! I KNOW once the weather settles down and it actually becomes summer we will be regretting it. We hear it is hot and humid. We are headed North so maybe it won't be so bad up there. I have not idea what to expect in Manitoba, weather wise or bugs. We hear the bugs are bad up North. NOT looking forward to that!!!

Chip had an experience with some biting flies or gnats or something about 2 weeks ago. WE were at a park doing our inspection when he felt the bites (I never did get one, thank goodness). One behind his ear really hurt so he reached up to rub it and when he took his hand away his fingers were bloody. That little bite bled quite a bit. Another on his fore arm left a welt and a hickey looking spot, AND they itched like crazy, worse than a mosquito. You know we never did see what they were except that they were black.

For the last couple days we have had sunshine and very little humidity. ~sigh~ The days just seem to be better under sunshine. For the first time in months we were able to wear shorts. We probably should not have. It is so foreign to see WHITE sticks protruding from under our shorts. WE HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS WHITE, well maybe when we were born but since then NEVER!!!! It's pretty ugly! I know some wise person (not a dermatologist of course)has said "Skin looks better tan!" It was probably my sister-in-law, CeCe. NOW that woman knows how to tan! Maybe next year we will be tan again! ~SIGH~

Well, the camping "season" is officially underway here in Minnesota so we will probably not be working on Friday's or Saturday's anymore. I hope to be able to go sightseeing and get some shots and stories to share.

WE thought we were going to get stuck for sure here!! Our wheels actually spun in the mud! Luckily the rain held for the 2 nights we were here and we did get out without any problems.

Canadian Geese Family

This was taken in Monticello,MN at a park we were visiting.

Did you ever imagine they would have a musuem dedicated to Spam???