Saturday, June 8, 2013

Flowing Rivers Abound

We have made it through our first month. We have visited over 100 parks driven well over 1500 miles and have seen some beautiful areas. This last week or better we have camped by a beautiful river, visited parks that are nestled right next to some beautiful rivers and driven by lots of beautiful rivers. It may very well be the same river that just keeps going and going. But it looks different at every turn.  We are headed up the I-5 and will make it to the top of the state in about 3 weeks. Our day trips in the Jeep have proven to be some long ones. Some days we leave the comfort of our little box and are away for 8 hours before returning to start catching up on paperwork. It’s a good thing this job is only about a 5 month stint, because it is pretty labor intensive for those 5 months. Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining!! We love it! I could do without the bitchy owners that complain about EVERYTHING but as in life you have to take the good with the bad and thankfully the good FAR outweighs the bad.  I miss all my family a LOT and wish there was time I could just get on a plane. But for now this is our life!  We are looking forward to meeting up with some good friends in a day or two. Roger, Sharolyn and Kelly are from Anchorage, AK and are just up the I-5 at a park we have to visit. So while we are there we will get a double dose of visiting.

Until then we have miles to drive and parks to visit… So from Hi Way Haven RV Park in Sutherlin, Oregon, the ONLY RV Park in the country that has a drive-in movie screen THAT works, we hope you are all well and enjoying what has started out to be a beautiful summer (at least here in Oregon anyway)!!

From Rising River RV Park, Roseburg, So. Umpqua River

 From Casey's Riverside RV Park, Westfir, Or - Middle Fork Willamette River

 Casey's Riverside RV Park, Westfir

 Off the side of the road near Casey's

 From Twin River's Vacation Park, Roseburg, No. Umpqua River