Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wrangell, Alaska

Pat's Lake
Rainbow Falls. If you look real close you can see it behind us. :-D

Salamander Creek, we were being silly!

Salamander Creek

One of the largest petroglyphs we found. At petroglyph beach.

Chip being creative. I think it's very cool

Pretty flowers!

Yet another sign of fall. This is right outside our "house"!

NOW this is a sunset!

I can't believe we are 1 day away from our last Alaskan destination.

Our time here in Wrangell has been so relaxing and very rewarding! This would not be my first choice to relocate to but the people are all very friendly and the views from the shoreline are incredible. When you look out at the islands surrounding this one, most of the time it looks like you are looking at a 3D black and white painting of distant lands. Imagine, seeing the island in the foreground as black then as you look beyond each island gets greyer and greyer until they just fall away into the horizon. It truly looks like a painting! The tour to AnAn Creek Observatory was the only tour we did while we were here. The rest of the week has been spent hanging out and taking drives around the island. We hiked to Rainbow Falls, listened to an Eagle calling and watched Blue Heron fishing at Pat's Lake, drove to Salamander Creek, Nemo Point and walked to Petroglyph beach. We did find some petroglyph's and could just picture the people of that time sitting on the beach there carving their messages into the rocks. The tools and patience they had to have is amazing in itself. What could they have been trying to communicate with those stick figures and circles? If only those rocks could talk! The other night we had the most incredible sunset. I know I just shared a picture of the sunset in Haines, that I was so proud of, but as you probably saw in the picture above this one makes that one look like
a cloudy day!

Well, I have shared all the incredible stories of our trips and wildlife viewing time and time again so I thought I should share a story that shows we are still living a normal life too....... Yesterday morning while Chip was preparing to do the dishes (YES, I AM lucky to have such an amazing husband) he backed away from the sink and asked, "Can you hear that?" I stopped what I was doing and listened. I think we both realized what it was about the same time because as I, excitedly called out "got turn off the water" Chip was already on his way out the door. A hose clamp on the hot water pipe under the sink had let go and the noise we were hearing was the water shooting everywhere under there. I opened the doors to access under the sink and steam was billowing out. We grabbed every towel we could get our hands on and started sopping up the water. It was contained to the area under the sink so it wasn't that difficult but what a mess. Chip's first thought was to fix it with a hose clamp but after reading on the Tiffin Forum (our motorhome manufacturer's owner information site) we decided to try a SharkBite fixture (it's not really a clamp). They seemed to be the easy fix. We could not believe there were 2 hardware stores on this tiny island. The first one we went to didn't have the SharkBite and had never heard of it (neither had we until this morning), the second had an entire variety of different sizes. Unfortunately not the size we needed but then it would not have worked anyway. The hose we had to fix was a braided/plastic hose and the SharkBite's are designed for CPVC, Copper or PEX. After all that we wound up using a hose clamp anyway. So with the hose fixed, the water back on and the "home" looking like a war zone we were back in business. Not so different than being in a house! OK it is! Ours moves down the road and yours doesn't! :-D
Next and last Alaskan destination........ Ketchikan

Friday, August 20, 2010

Anan Creek Observatory, Wrangell, Alaska

If you look behind us you can see the start of the trail to the observatory!

Captain Jim preparing his shotgun, JUST IN CASE

The "outhouse" complete with peep hole!
This picture will make sense when you read the blog!!!

This was at the beginning of the walk in.

This is Darby. She would go in the water and catch a fish then bring it up under the observatory floor and eat it. Needless to say the odor at the observatory was very ripe!

This is Darby again after she had eaten and was waiting to go back for more! We were only about 6 ft. away. She kind of looks sad!

There must be an entire corridor of openings behind these rocks because bears would go in and then come out 100 yards up river.

Those are some big teeth!

Anyone have a napkin? Zoom in if you dare!!

Fish 1, Bear's 1,000,000,000,000,000

~sniff ~sniff~sniff~

This is Max. He was the smallest of all the bears and appeared to possibly be orphaned. But he seemed to handle himself pretty well. He would sneak out and grab the left overs from what the larger bears would leave behind when they were back out fishing!

Here fishy, fishy, fishy!

This is Virginia. According to the ranger she is a little fighter. She is always showing up with some kind of wound. They know her from the notch out of her ear and the scar on her nose.

BUUURRRRPPP....... excuse me!!! That was some good caviar!

This is Georgia, the only Grizzly we saw. She behaved herself but according to the guides a couple weeks ago she was having fun tormenting the people on the trail so she got sprayed with bear spray.

Anan (Ann-Ann) Creek Observatory was awesome from start to finish. We were all met at the dock by Captain Jim, Ivan and Scott. They welcomed us aboard and proceeded to give us the low down on what to expect when we got to Anan. The main points were NO food, NO chewing gum, NOTHING that could possibly attract a bear to your person. IF we did encounter a bear on the trail stay calm, don’t run and let the guides handle the situation. My rule was, make sure to be following someone who looked like they would run slower than me. Just kidding!!! The one thing we all thought was funny but actually was a safety procedure was, if you had to use the outhouse up at the observatory you had to let Jim or Ivan know and they would escort you. The outhouse is approximately 40 feet from the enclosure of the observatory. Once in the outhouse you locked the door from the inside. After you had finished what you went there to do you had to stick your finger through the peep hole in the door, wiggle it and then look out to see if you got the OK or stay put hand signal. Depending on weather a bear was outside the door or near the outhouse. If there was a bear out there you had to stay put until the bear was gone. I had made up my mind right then that if at all possible I was not going to use the outhouse. When we got off the boat the first thing we had to do was get information from a Forrest Service Ranger. We had already been briefed not to ask questions because that would only take up time that we would have watching the bears. Our guides could answer any questions we may have had. Jim was the owner of the tour outfit and the one who carried the shotgun. YES a real shotgun. That was both comforting and unsettling at the same time. Jim led the group and Ivan, a professional photographer and 40+ year resident of Wrangell brought up the rear. We had been told to stay close together along the trail in case we encountered a bear. If there was a large space between us that would encourage the bear to try to go between people. This was particularly important when we were close to the observatory where the bears were pretty much guaranteed to be. The trail in was ¾ of a mile long and through a gorgeous rain forest. It was exciting, with Jim in the lead scouring the entire area for any sign of bears while cradling his shotgun at the ready , telling us about Georgia the Grizzly Bear that had to be sprayed with bear spay because she was getting to close to the tourists. According to what we were told, Georgia seemed to get a kick out of bluff charging the groups and scaring them. She was very close to being shot when she finally responded to the bear spray and retreated. They have not had that problem with her since. But that got our attention and we all did exactly as we were told. We arrived at the observatory safe and sound and were now ready to watch bears from the safety of the viewing deck. The observatory consisted of a redwood deck about 30ft square with a 4 ft fence around it (as if 4 ft would keep a bear out). It had 2 levels, the top level was where we did most of our viewing, and the second was a small platform connected to the top but at a lower elevation. This was where we entered from the trail and where you enter the stairway down to the viewing blind. The entire observatory was built above ground and it was not uncommon for the bears to take their catch under the floor and eat it. Needless to say the stench of rotting fish was very strong in some areas. The first order of business when we arrived was to sign up for our 30 minutes in the viewing blind. The viewing blind was right down at the rivers edge and got you up close to fishing bears. While in the blind you were behind a camouflaged structure that had 5 openings, 1 for each person allowed in at a time. Because we were the only group there for quite a while we were able to go down at any time that there were no more than 5 people. But most of the viewing was done from above on the viewing deck. At one time I counted 8 black bears feeding. We soon learned from watching the interaction of the bears that size does matter in the bear world. As does sex, if you are a large male you rule the river! As well, if you are a male (not necessarily large) the females gave you a wide berth. As we watched, the ranger, a cute 20 something on her first assignment to this area, would tell us the names of the bears and some of their background if she knew it. There was one little guy, they called him Max, he appeared to be young. They guessed he may be a 2nd year cub and alone. They don’t know what happened to his Mother. The first time we saw Max he was looking for fish and came out of the rocks just as a larger bear was fishing not far away. Little Max stopped in his tracks and lowered his head but kept his eye on the larger bear. When the larger bear turned towards Max as if to go in his direction, Max retreated to the rocks. Max would stay tucked in the rocks and poke his head out to see if the coast was clear then he would scurry out and pick up the scraps that had been left behind by the fishing bear and run back into the safety of the rocks to eat. Another bear, Darby would go down to the river get a fish and bring it up under the deck and eat it. She did that about 4 times before she went on her way. When she was making her way under the deck she was no more than 6 ft away from us. Then there was Virginia! She is apparently a scrapper! She had a chunk missing from her left ear and a scar across her nose. The ranger (I wish I had gotten her name) said she always is coming up with some kind of sores. Virginia must fight over the 1000’s of fish, afraid she won’t get her fill. Well, let me tell you she gets her fill. She is so FAT…. hahahah. But then they are all pretty fat. It’s getting to be the end of the season and the bears are storing up for winter. Most of the bears will double their body weight by the time they go in to hibernation. About an hour before we were to head out, Georgia, the grizzly was spotted in the lagoon. We all hoped she would still be around when we left so we could get some pictures of her. I think we all secretly hoped she would be on the trail since we had experienced guides who knew how to handle her. As it turned out she was still in the lagoon fishing but not anywhere near the trail. It was better that way so she was not in danger and neither were we! I know I keep saying this but

“It WAS a perfect ending to a perfect day”

By the way………… Neither Chip nor I used the outhouse while we were up there! Maybe we should have just to have had the experience!

Alaskan Marine Highway

Waiting for the ferry! Here it comes!
This is our berth! I got dibs on the top bunk!!!
Some chose to camp out on deck!
The only sunset we have seen since Washington!
Petersburg, Alaska (one of the stops we made, but where we never got off the boat)
The sun shone only on the flag! How would you like to live here? Notice there is no road in or out.. Boats are the mode of transportation, and there were a lot of houses built out and away like this!
I had been looking forward to the ferry ride since we made the decision to do it. And now the time had come! We got in our designated lane, #7 at 12 pm and the wait began. Boarding was scheduled to start at 3:30 pm and the ferry to leave at 5:15 pm. While we waited we talked to people around us doing the same thing. We had met a family from Thousand Oaks yesterday at the Laundromat and they were parked right next to us in lane 6. They received a lot of attention because they had a puppy with them, Buddy, a 5 month old beagle mix and as cute as could be. Steve had rented their Motorhome to take the kids on a road trip. Henry, the only son and Buddy’s owner is 21. He had a bad skateboard accident 5 years ago and still shows signs of his injury. He was in the hospital for 6 months and has decided smoking pot is better than taking all the medications needed to control his seizures! His family disagrees. Lindsay at 24 is the older of two girls and was on vacation with her family after having just completed the Calif. Bar exam. She flew to Anchorage to meet the family. Then there is Merced, a senior in High School, who is aspiring to be a photographer. We talked to them the most. It just seemed like everywhere we went we would bump into them. We met Hal, from Oregon and his son, Eric from San Diego in line. They were traveling together because Hal’s wife could not make the trip and didn’t want Hal to do it alone. So Eric who was in between jobs decided to put off the job hunting to go on a road trip with his Dad. Then there was Ken and Karen from Oregon. They had ridden their Harley though out Alaska. As the ferry was being boarded vehicle after vehicle went before us and then it was finally our turn. Chip drove the motorhome and I drove the Jeep. Chip had been a little nervous about driving our motorhome on board, just wondering how it would feel to drive onto a boat and would it fit through the door plus we had to turn our side mirrors in so that we were not over the limit for width. Those mirrors are a lifeline to the rear of the coach. As Chip drove through the open door the ferry seemed to just swallow the motorhome like the fairy tales of whales swallowing ships. Chip said backing up without the side mirrors and only the steward guiding him from the front was freaky. He did an awesome job and when all was said and done he had a foot on each side! They backed me up right in front of him. Piece of cake! Hahahaha Once we boarded the ferry our first stop was to get our berth. When we opened the door and saw the bunk beds we laughed and I immediately call dibs on the top bunk. I don’t usually get up in the middle of the night but Chip does and I didn’t want him falling off the bunk while he was half asleep. When we went exploring the other decks it was interesting to see where people were setting up to sleep. I had heard you didn’t have to purchase a berth and could sleep anywhere you could find a spot and that was starting to become evident. There were tents being set up on one of the decks at the stern of the ship. And from the remnants of the duck tape on the deck it appears this is done all the time. Next we went up one deck to the Solarium. This is where we ran into Hal and Eric again. They were surveying the situation here with all the plastic lounge chairs. If they could not obtain a berth they would be sleeping here on “rented” bedding. Yes the ferry rents bedding just for this occasion. This made our $50 berth fee look like chump change, EVEN with the bunk beds. Our next destination was to see where we would be eating dinner. There is a cafeteria and dinning room aboard. We would eat in the cafeteria the first night and the dinning room the second. Once we were underway that is exactly what we did. It was now after 6 and my tummy was yelling at me to feed it. I did, with a yummy, very unhealthy cheese burger and fries. ~~ slurp~~~ so good!! Mostly because I didn’t have to cook it! Hahahah Chip had BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes and peas! I wonder if cafeterias always serve peas with mashed potatoes. Our first stop was in Haines. We were there about 2 hrs unloading and loading passengers. We saw our first sunset there since leaving Bellingham, WA over 2 months ago. Until recently we have not even seen a true night! It’s been daylight when we go to bed and daylight when we get up. And you know we really liked it! During the day on Tuesday, our only full day on the ferry we enjoyed the scenery. The inside passage is beautiful. There are acres and acres of trees, beautiful little islands with a rock foundation covered in trees and the water, when the sunlight hits it just right, is a turquoise blue. The ferry stopped in Sitka for 4 hours so we took advantage of the opportunity and got off the boat. There was a walk/trail about ½ mile away. On the way to the trail we crossed over a salmon spawning inlet. That is what I am calling the area just beyond the bay where the salmon swim into a fresh water stream. There were hundreds of fish. The walk was just beyond this inlet and it was a boardwalk about ½ mile long. It skirted the edge of a wetland where we saw 3 Blue Herons fishing and you could tell from the trampled grass that bears come there to fish. We didn’t see any bears though. We got back on the ferry and said good bye to Sitka. I think next time we come to Alaska we are going to spend some time here. If we had thought about it earlier we may have gotten off the ferry and stayed a couple days. We got up early on Wednesday so we could enjoy the morning scenery before we disembarked in Wrangell. That was a good decision! Seeing the port of Petersburg and the houses that lined the straight along the way made setting our alarm worthwhile. We are both so excited, tomorrow (Thursday) we get to go to Anan Creek Observatory and bear watch! Can't wait to share those pictures!

Skagway, Alaska

The Klondike Highway to Skagway.

Emerald Lake

Once we reached the summit it was VERY foggy!

I like the fireweed in the foreground!

Interesting body of water. Actually it is two but they are only separated by a small spit of land about 5 ft. wide.

Hike up to Lower Dewey Lake

Lower Dewey Lake

Fall is approaching...

Spruce Tip Blone Ale
Perfect ending to a wonderful time in Skagway!

The weather today was cloudy but at least it was not raining for our drive to Skagway on the Klondike Highway. Our first stop was at Emerald Lake. It is aptly named because of the color of the water. We stayed in the turn out for quite a while hoping the sun would break through the clouds and light up the water. But unfortunately it never did. We were not the only ones to stop by there. In the 40 minutes we sat there 5 or 6 tour buses stopped. We watched as everyone jumped out to take a picture and as soon as the cold wind hit them they scurried back to the warmth of the bus. As we continued on we saw an area in or near Carcross that was sandy just like the desert. I never thought of there being places here in the Yukon where you could see sand dunes. The drive along the Klondike was pretty but I missed seeing the snow capped mountains and the glaciers. That could be partly due to it now being August. Even though it has not felt warm to us it is to warm to keep snow frozen. It was still very pretty. The jagged mountains in some places reminded me of the Grand Tetons near Yellowstone. We stopped for lunch at what we thought was a historic site of an old log cabin. While we ate lunch in the warmth of our “home” we watched the low clouds move over the mountains like smoke billowing out of a chimney. When we finished and walked over to what we thought was the boardwalk to the cabin we headed up. At the top of the boardwalk we got to the building and realized it was a bathroom. We laughed so hard when we realized there wasn’t a log cabin just information boards telling about the time of the gold rush and why this area was called “Log Cabin”. It is still pretty funny! I wonder what it is about laughing hard that makes you just feel so good! We needed that laugh because about 45 minutes later we were in the kind of fog that my parents call pea soup! Chip had to drive about 10 miles per hour in the worst part. We could not see 10 feet in front of us. At one point Chip pulled over to allow a car and semi to go past us since we were moving so slow. Plus he thought that way he could follow someone who knew the road. Well, the 2 vehicles passed us and before we could pull back out on the road (and it didn’t take long), we could not see them any longer. They could not have gone more than 75 ft and they were gone! Luckily, when we crested the summit the clouds stayed high and we eventually dropped down out of them. It only lasted about 10 or 15 minutes but felt like it was a lot longer. The rest of the drive was a piece of cake after that! We spent 6 days in Skagway and thought it was going to be too long but it turned out, as long as we avoided the downtown area during the day it was a pretty nice place. There were no less than 2 cruise ships in port every day. Some days there were 4. That is a lot of people on the streets. The weather while we were here was awesome. We had 3 days of gorgeous weather. Chip actually wore shorts one day. That is the first time in months. We even heard a few locals saying “this is the first time all year that I have worn shorts”. It was NICE! We took advantage of the weather and went for a hike. The hike took us up to Lower Dewey Lake and for the first 1/4 mile or so it was straight up. I could feel my heart pounding when we got to the top. As we walked the trail around the lake we came up to 3 young adults, 2 guys, a girl and a dog. As we approached of course we exchanged Hi’s and one kid named Ezra told us “get your camera ready I am going to jump”. At the point where we were on the trail it was close to 50 ft. above the water. I got my camera ready and he jumped! I got an e-mail address to send copies of the pictures. The next time we saw them there were 6 or 8 of them and they were all spread out on a flat grassy spot next to the water soaking up all the sun they could. The hike was listed as a ¾ mile hike round trip so we figured we would be gone 45 minutes. 3 hours later we were back at the Motorhome with a huge hunger! The ¾ mile measurement was just to the lake but we hiked all the way around it so it worked out to be over 3 ½ miles. But it was worth every minute! And made going to the brewery sooooo sweet! There’s nothing like an ice cold beer on a HOT day. I never thought I would say that about Alaska!

PS: We decided not to take the all day trip to Juneau. It just seemed like a lot of money on a maybe that we would see whales and we have been to Juneau before. So that will be something to do next time! Plus we may see whales on the ferry to Wrangell.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Everything is coming up "Rainbow's"

While we were in the Yukon at a State Park called Snag Junction, right in front of our campsite appeared this rainbow. I have never see a rainbow that glowed so bright! It was beautiful

These two Trumpeter Swans were being very elusive so we had to get pictures through the trees. But it still looks pretty cool, if I do say so myself!

We have had a very different week. Within 3 hours of leaving Valdez where the weather was cool and drizzly we were in real "summer" weather. For the first time in weeks we could have worn shorts and sandals and probably would have if they weren't packed away. Who knew we would need them, hahahaha. We contemplated digging them out until we went outside for a walk in Tok and were swarmed by mosquito's. I guess the warm weather had caused them to hatch because on the way up north we didn't have any problems at all. It didn't take us long to get back in the motorhome and hunker down. We have this bug zapper that looks like a little tennis racket. It got a good work out that night. We remember the drive from Tok, Alaska towards Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory being one of the worst roads of our trip. And it didn't disappoint. Although, it wasn't as bad as it was on our way up north. I think the road workers are milking the Obama stimulus money. You would surely think that after 2 months they could have finished 12 miles of paving...It was dirt when we went up north and it is still dirt, just a tiny bit smoother.. I use tiny very loosely!
We had hoped once we left Tok, AK we would have also left the mosquito's behind. But at our next stop just south of Beaver Creek in the Yukon was at Snag Junction Yukon Government Campground,and they were just as bad if not worse. While disconnecting the Jeep they were swarming like flies, seriously! Luckily our warm summer weather had passed, so we were dressed in jeans and a light jacket. The only exposed skin was our hands and face, and we had put deet on before going out.. I am not sure where they got the name Snag Junction! Maybe when they were building the Alaskan Highway the foreman brought all the men together and said "Men, at this junction of our endeavor we have run into a snag"! Poof ~ Snag Junction! While here in Snag Junction we had a thunderstorm. It was awesome! The result was the beautiful rainbow you see in the picture. We had the one site with a view of the lake and fortunately the rainbow showed up right in our little window between the trees. It started out as any rainbow does, faint in color. Within a few minutes it was brighter than any rainbow I have ever seen. It was magical. And the fact that the lake was glassy and you could see the reflection as well as the actual rainbow was awe inspiring. Every time I see a rainbow I remember a reading in the Bible that says God sent a rainbow down from heaven after the great flood as a promise to never flood the earth like that again. His promise came through loud and clear in our little window to the world.
The next morning was when the trumpeter swans came to visit. They were pretty far away but we did get some interesting pictures. I hope you all enjoy seeing a little more of this beautiful area we are blessed to be in!

We have spent the last 3 days in Whitehorse and have done some catching up on "stuff". Mostly cleaning the "home" and Jeep. They have not been this clean since we were in Whitehorse on our way up north.

Our Alaska Adventure is winding down with only 2 more stops, Skagway and Wrangell. We are far from finished though. We have a sightseeing trip in Skagway on a boat, I am hoping to finally see whales, a ferry ride through the inside passage and a bear viewing trip waiting for us in Wrangell on the 19th of Aug. If these are as great as we hope them to be, expect some awesome pictures and incredible stories...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Good Bye Valdez!!

Let's roll.......

Ready to get on the water!

This is the iceberg that I thought looked like a whale. What do you think?

Blue Ice Field

Beautiful "blue ice"

Our group paddling through the ice field

Behind us you can see the 11 miles of icebergs and way in the back is the terminus of the Columbia Glacier.

Earlier this ice would have towered over us.. But once the tide came in and the ice started floating they were considerably shorter.

Mama and baby otter - sooooo cute


It has been fun here in Valdez but like all things this too must come to an end! I am going to miss the drives out to hopefully catch a glimpse of Mama Bear and her 3 playful cubs, the little Black Bears and the Eagles. But I won't miss seeing all the salmon floundering in the shallow streams fighting for their chance to survive and spawn just to die because they get caught in the shallows when the tide recedes. But that was a very small part of this experience!

While in Valdez we celebrated our 37th Anniversary with a Kayak trip to Columbia Glacier. After 90 minutes on a boat to get to the put in site, our kayaks were on the shore and we were in the middle of a huge ice field. Everyone was in awe at the size and color of those chunks of ice that were 10 to 15 feet tall and just as wide. I got a picture of one that looked like an ice sculpture of a whale. (You have to use your imagination a little, hehehe). It was amazing to see these huge chunks of ice just sitting on the ground. We spent about 30 minutes wandering around the ice field before we actually got in our kayaks and started paddling. There were 16 people and 2 guides, Emily and Josh, so we split up into 2 groups of 8. We chose to go with Emily; she was a real tomboy between 29 and 32, from Michigan, stood less than 5 ft., very outdoorsy and a perfect fit for this type of environment. We spent the next 90 minutes weaving in and out of the avenues of blue ice created by the floating icebergs. It was amazing to look up as you paddle by an iceberg that towered over you and see that brilliant blue hue. We had to be careful not to get too close to the icebergs that had overhangs; no one wanted to find themselves in that VERY cold water. I certainly did not want to know what a slice of lime feels like buried in a margarita. When stopped for lunch on an island, I thought it was strange that Emily tied each kayak to a rock on the shore even though they were all completely out of the water. We would know why after lunch!
From the description of the trip I thought we would get up close and personal with the glacier but realized after we hiked up to where we could see it that that was not going to happen. Between us and the terminus of the glacier there was 11 miles of solid icebergs. Not only would it have been dangerous but I doubt you could even find a passage through. As it was, the little bit that we paddled in the ice field we had to keep turning around because of dead ends. Lunch was over and it was time to get back in our kayaks and continue on. NOW we realized why they were tied up. In the 45 minutes we were on shore having lunch the tide came in enough that all the kayaks were floating. THAT is why she is the guide! We made one more pass through the ice field before heading out. The icebergs we walked through earlier were now floating and the shore we started at was completely underwater. The initial icebergs we paddled by earlier were not as tall as they were because they were now free floating. We didn't realize they weren't floating before! When the tide shifts here it happens in a rush. The remainder of our trip was spent paddling through an old and new rain forest, by a waterfall and through a bay. Throughout the day we saw, sea otters, gulls, black oystercatchers, a red tailed hawk, jelly fish, sea lions and some harbor porpoise. We were hoping for whales but they were being shy so we never did see any. What an awesome way to spend an anniversary!

Thank you Valdez for a great 12 days!!!!